速報APP / 商業 / Orchard Management

Orchard Management





版本需求:Android 3.2 以上版本




Orchard Management(圖1)-速報App

Orchard Management is specifically designed for Android tablets.

An Orchard Management application that gets you outside instead of sitting in front of a desktop computer, writing paper notes or working with spreadsheets!

Do all your record keeping in a mobile way. It does not require a network connection, allowing you to go anywhere and manage your Orchards, Plantations, Fields or whatever you are growing.

Perfect for small to medium size operations.

Orchard Management(圖2)-速報App

The application is designed to help you increase your profits from your operations with better on the go record keeping.

Orchard Management Mobile Features

(Create unlimited customized entries for all items)

Create Orchards and Cultivar lists

Orchard Management(圖3)-速報App

Manage Cultivar by tracking age and quantity by Orchard

Log all care of your orchards using Images, Notes, Dates.

Review all your historical information

Chart historical yearly sales and expense to see how you are doing

Orchard Management(圖4)-速報App

Track your Expenses

Track your Sales

Track your Harvest by Orchard, Bins, Cultivar, etc...

Track your windfalls, any culling and of course your actual harvest

Orchard Management(圖5)-速報App

There is online help for every screen to help guide you.

Orchard Management(圖6)-速報App